Our Services
Longevity and Prevention
Our distinctive approach to patient care is designed to pick up where other health clinics leave off. We recognize that the needs of patients have changed and we are adapting…
Preventative Care
AT BPM we have designed a preventative care strategy that focuses on the following determinants of health care Our services include: Discussion of health care prevention and lifestyle with a…
Third Party Health
Periodically, you may be asked to complete a form for an employer or any third party such as: Driver examination for the SAAQ Driver examination for the Ministry of transportation…
Travel Medicine
Planning on traveling? Obtain the best possible advice on what you need to take with you, what to avoid, and the most up to date travel advisory tips.
Our dedicated team of medical professionals is committed to helping you navigate the Canadian health care system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our health care practitioners will…
BPM Medical was founded on the principle of excellent client-centered care supported by an unwavering commitment to preventative medicine. At BPM, we understand that it can be a sometimes frustrating…